The foundation or base of any successful financial plan HAS to be protection planning... Life insurance (LI) and Long Term Disability (LTD) insurance are the cornerstones, with Long Term Care (LTC), Health insurance, Auto, Home, and Liability insurance filling in the rest of the equation. From our first days in the financial planning industry, it is where we've always started - prioritizing the foundation is a "must-do" practice. At DTR Insurance Solutions, we focus on Life Insurance, Long Term Disability, and Group Benefits. Though our firm does not currently offer Health Insurance, A&H, or Liability coverage, we partner with other professionals who do.
If you find yourselves needing some help or support in regards to protection planning of any kind, please keep us in mind - We would love to get a chance to work together. Please explore the site to learn more about us and our services. If you have any other questions or want clarification on anything, please head over to the "Contact" page and reach out via an e-mail or phone call... we'll get right back to you as soon as possible!